Cooperative Elder Services will temporarily close program operations effective Wednesday, March 18 and planning to reopen on Tuesday, April 7 to minimize the spread of COVID-19. We are following recommendations from the state to close all facilities until further notice to ensure the health and safety of our participants, their families and our employees. We will keep you updated on developments throughout this time.
While our program operations will be closed, management and key staff will continue to work through this time to ensure we remain up to date with information and are communicating proactively with you. We are making every effort to continue serving you and your family during this time.
We know this pandemic has already changed so much of your daily lives, and we want to share a few thoughts on helping your loved one’s cope with these changes:
- Getting outside for walks can help alleviate stress and burn some energy.
- Keeping a (relatively) consistent schedule as far as when to wake up, eat meals, begin prepping for bed.
- Minimizing unnecessary exposure to the media. (Of course, keeping informed, but consider not having the news streaming all day.)
In the coming days and weeks, we will be offering suggestions for modifying activities while at home to keep our loved ones engaged via our Facebook and Instagram accounts:
- Facebook: facebook.com/cooperativeelderservicesinc/
- Instagram: @cooperativeelderservicesinc
You can expect to receive an update from us soon.